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COVID-19 추가 법인 지원안 as of October 9, 2020

10월 9일 캐나다 연방정부는 코비드 관련 아래와 같은 지원안을 발표했습니다.

CEWS (급여지원안) 확대

  • The program will be extended until June 2021. 현재 급여지원안을 2021년 6월까지 연장

  • The subsidy would remain at the current (Period 8) subsidy rate of up to a maximum of 65% of eligible wages until December 19, 2020. The maximum was previously set to decline to 45% for period 9 (based on November wages). 보조금 지급비율을 65%로 유지 (과거에는 지급비율이 12월에 가까워지면 감소)

CEBA (캐나다법인비상계좌)

  • An additional interest-free loan of up to $20,000 will be available (in addition to the original CEBA loan of $40,000). Half of this additional financing would be forgivable if repaid by December 31, 2022. 과거 4만불 지원한 금액외에 추가로 2만불을 지원할 예정. 조건 대상에 충족할경우 추가지원금중 50%로는 감면 예정

  • Additionally, the application deadline for CEBA is being extended to December 31, 2020. 지원기간을 2020년 12월 31일로 연장

  • Further details, including the launch date and application process will be announced in the coming days. An attestation of the impact of COVID-19 on the business will be required to access the additional financing. 세부사항은 곧 발표될 예정입니다.

Canada Emergency Rent Support (CERS) -임대지원안

  • The new Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy (CECRA has ended), provides rent and mortgage support until June 2021. 2020년 10월부터 2021년 6월까지 지 새로운 임대지원안 발표

  • The rent subsidy would be provided directly to tenants, while also providing support to property owners. 세입자에게 직접 지원예정 (과거 지원안은 건물주를 통한 간접지원)

  • The new rent subsidy would support businesses, charities, and non-profits that have suffered a revenue drop, by subsidizing a percentage of their expenses, on a sliding scale, up to a maximum of 65 per cent of eligible expenses until December 19, 2020. 2020년 12월 19일까지 해당사업자에게 최대 65프로 지원예정

  • Organizations would be able to make claims retroactively for the period that began September 27 and ends October 24, 2020.

  • A top-up Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy of 25 per cent for organizations temporarily shut down by a mandatory public health order issued by a qualifying public health authority, in addition to the 65 per cent subsidy. 정부방침에 의해 폐쇄된 사업장일 경우 추가 25% 지원

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